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Smudging & Prayers



Smudging is a traditional ceremony among Native Americans and other indigenous culture that is used to purify the body, aura and energy of a ceremonial space or personal space. It utilizes the spirits of sacred plants to remove negative energies and restore balance.


A variety of plants are used in smudging ceremonies:

— Sage removes negative energies

— Sweetgrass attracts positive energies and sweetness

— Cedar wards off sickness

— Lavender brings spiritual blessing


Many tribes consider tobacco to be the most sacred plant in a smudging ceremony, as it both removes negative energy and replenishes positive energy, and connects people to the spiritual world. It can also be used as a medicine.


To do a smudging ceremony, burn the dried herb clippings in a fireproof bowl and gather its smoke around your body and spirit, especially near any areas that need more spiritual healing. Sometimes feathers or a fan will be used instead of hands. As you move the smoke, you can pray to the Creator and spirits for help and use the herbs to push out bad influences and invite good ones.


Smudging traditions vary depending on the tribe, but in any case, it must be done carefully, as you are communicating with the powers of the plants and spirits of the ceremonies. It must be completed with respect and honor if it is to work.

       Keepers of the Sacred

          Tradition of Pipemakers

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